Saturday, October 4, 2014

Letting the pieces fall

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. ~ Matt. 6:33

Fall is definitely in the air. Yippee! I was glad to spend most of my day watching the leaves fall from inside my warm house today. I’m not quite as ready for the crisp air as I thought I was.

The Lord has been speaking to my heart in the last few weeks about the things I put on the throne of my life…a.k.a His space. His place. Period. My prayer is to give Christ His place, first. Not after everything in my life falls into place. Not after all the things that demand my attention, my time, my thoughts, my heart are taken care of. No, my life’s pieces will fall into place because Christ holds every last piece. From beginning to end. When He is given His rightful place on the throne of my life, I know good things are ahead. No fear or worrying needed.

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. ~ Matt. 6:33

When I’m about my relationship with the Lord first, Christ is free to do in me what He has planned. The way He has planned it. His ways are so much better than I could ever imagine or carry out on my own. Because of His grace, my Father lovingly and patiently waits for my daily submission to His sovereignty. Actually my moment by moment submission. My “yes” to Him. So the pieces can fall. Fall freely.

My Savior will not share His throne with anything or anyone else. Because no one or no thing deserves that highest place. He alone is above all.

This song of declaration by New Life Worship came on my Pandora station today:

“Here in Your presence EVERYTHING bows before You…wonderful, beautiful, glorious, matchless in every way.”

I could listen to this song on repeat.

“Wonderful, beautiful, glorious, matchless in every way.
Every fear suddenly wiped away here in Your presence
All of my gains now fade away
Every crown no longer on display, here in Your presence.”

Nothing can match or even come close to God and all that He is. And the coolest thing is we get to know Him. We get to call Him Father. We get to let the pieces of our life fall together into the beautiful story that He is writing. A beautiful story that points to the bigger story. God’s story. His glory. His fame. He sees the big picture. We get to see Him. That’s all we need to focus on. Him.


So friends, let’s clear the throne in our life so that those matchless things fade and fall away. 

 With God first, we can let the pieces

...and land exactly where they should.

In Him,


And God knows us. Every detail in our life. He doesn’t miss a thing.

Play this song on repeat to yourself:

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