Wednesday, November 23, 2016

It's Not Up to Me

Faith. Believing what is not seen. Beyond the here and now. Not what it seems to be. Not what I wish it to be. No matter what I’ve “planned” it to be. Looking past “now” and fixing my sight on the One who holds my now and tomorrows. Putting confidence in the One who is dependable. Faith is such a mystery, yet so simple.
"This God- his way is perfect; the word of the Lord proves true; he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him." –Ps. 18:30 

In God I trust, everything else is not up to me.

There are so many times I set my sight on what my plans are for a given moment or how I believe circumstances are going to unfold and fit together nicely in the puzzle of life. Clean and not messy. A lot of times, motives can be good and pure, but do I believe I can handle my “plans” really? Do I need to have something planned in my mind, just to “feel” in control of what happens/will happen to me? Am I more likely to rest in a state of “all is well” only when I’m “prepared” and can say “yes, I’m ready for this”? Is that more comfortable? Could I instead, just say “yes” to God? A shaky “yes” without seeing or knowing the details to come. Do I believe He is capable of making all things well and completely good?

Free falling. 

Letting go. One by one. Or a whole bunch all at once. Letting go of my plans. Letting go of how “my” days will unfold. Letting go of control. Letting go of what happens to me, what I want or what I think I need. Letting go of pride and fear. Letting go of winning and comparison. Letting go of the blame game. Letting go of justifying and retaliating. Letting go of keeping score and entitlement. Letting go of safe and clean. 

Letting these things fall to the ground. Better yet, letting them fall to the feet of Jesus. Only He sees the season in it’s entirety. He knows it from beginning to end. The season we’re in doesn’t take Him by surprise. He knows it full well. I’m letting go and falling into the One who will never let me go. Because really, I can’t handle my “plans” anyways. Why not let God be God. His plans are perfect. His plans are sure. Why not let His plans just be mine? Then I can rest. Then my only sight becomes Him. My purpose becomes Him. Full surrender to Him. The “messy” situations can really be most beautiful. The “risky” situations can really be most safe. 

“I will praise the name of God with a song; I will magnify him with thanksgiving.”- Ps. 69:30

I can choose to magnify disappointments/struggles/difficulties/victories/pleasant times/security-you name it. Or I can simply magnify the One who created the universe. If God designed a little leaf to contain exactly what it needs inside in order to change with every season, I know God is fully capable of handling my heart and anything I go through. More than that, the whole process is to change me. God wastes nothing. There is actually purpose in the changing. There’s purpose in the external factors that set me up for internal change. He’s always after our hearts. Changing us to look more like Him. Transforming us to new life. Preparing us for a new season. That He would increase and we would decrease ultimately. We will always magnify something. It could be the season itself, the situational happenings, those involved, our flesh, our perspectives, our goals, our pain, our happiness, our gains, our glory, or all in all- Christ. Oh, that we would welcome change and magnify the One who stretches and changes us. He deserves all the glory. 

In God I trust, everything else is not up to me.

I’m not my own. To me that means, I don’t belong to myself. I’ve been bought with a price. It cost God His son’s life to redeem mine. Since I belong to Christ, He has authority over me. He rules over my very life. In the sweetest way ever, He does. Because He is God, I want to submit to Him. I’m not in charge and He knows best. Because of that, I can daily surrender my plans, dreams, hopes, pain, shortcomings, pride, strivings, resources, selfish ambitions, strengths, weaknesses, time, heart, gifts and seasons. I can lay these down before the One on the throne. Letting these go in order to gain His presence, authority and plan. What was “mine” fades and what He is becomes mine. A beautiful exchange. One that’s worth everything I am and have. Because I am His and He is mine, the pressure is off me. I get to pour out my weaknesses and in turn, gain His strength. This is resting in all that He is and not banking confidence on what I think I need or my attempt to handle what life brings.

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” – 2 Cor. 12:9-10

In faith, we get to say thanks at the beginning of every season. In faith, we get to say thanks at the end of every season. And in faith, we get to say thanks in the very middle of every season. Faith is really not knowing what the end looks like and choosing to trust anyways. Not trusting that we can make something happen, but instead knowing that it’s not up to us. Trusting only God. When we see His faithfulness in all our circumstances, our faith in Him increases.

Eucharisteo~ Thanksgiving

Grace. Thanks. Joy. 

Because everything is grace, we can give thanks. Because every season is grace, we can give thanks. Because none of these gifts we get are deserved or earned, we can give thanks. In this giving thanks, we receive joy. Joy that’s not dependent on circumstances. Joy that’s not dependent on comfort. Joy that wells up from the Giver of all grace- God. This joy can’t be stolen when hard seasons spring up. This joy won’t be shaken when things don’t make sense. This joy isn’t dependent on “our plans” succeeding. This joy is dependent on God alone. We get to magnify and give thanks to the Giver of grace and joy.

We are not called to live comfortably in this life. We may feel entitled to that, but really it’s not where abundant joy-filled life is. Comfortable doesn’t equal satisfied or safe. In the uncomfortable we can say “thanks”. This is best for us because something is being produced in us that otherwise couldn’t if we were only comfortable. This “something” is good. Living on the edge where I know I will fail if God doesn’t meet me. That’s where I want to be. And spoiler alert, He always will meet us at this place. He is always there. So our faith can be certain then. No matter what, we can know that faith in Him cannot be shaken. He is unshakable and He is faithful. 

“But as for me, my prayer is to you, O Lord. At an acceptable time, O God, in the abundance of your steadfast love answer me in your saving faithfulness.” Ps. 69:13

So with full confidence, we can hold fast to the truth that God is in control. That He holds us together. And his faithfulness isn’t dependent on our feelings or moments of failures/accomplishments. His faithfulness is Him. All Him. His faithfulness is dependent on Him. Not me. Not what I do or don’t do. Not how I react or don’t react. Not in how I strive or don’t strive. He is faithful because He is faithful.

In God I trust, everything else is not up to me.

“One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple.” - Ps. 27:4

In every season, keep me here. Keep me close to You, faithful beautiful One. This is my prayer for you too, friends!

In whatever season you find yourself in, stand on God’s promises alone. He is the only sure thing. His grace is always sufficient to meet your every need.

In and through faith, in any season, I can stand completely on the truths about my Father.

v  my Father is completely good
(Ps. 13:6, 33:4-5, 118:1)

v  my Father completely loves me
(Ps. 139, Zep. 3:17, Jer. 31:3, 1 John 4:10)

v  my Father never leaves me on my own- He is completely with me
(Ps. 91:2, Joshua 1:9, Ps. 27:4)

v  my Father knows the complete story
(Rom. 11:33, Ps. 143:10, Rom. 8:28)

v  my Father doesn’t make mistakes- His ways are completely perfect
(Prov. 3:5-6, Prov. 16:9)

v  my Father is in complete control
(Jer. 32:17, Ps. 119:114)

v  my Father’s plan is completely what I need
(Is. 12:2, Matt. 6:33, Is. 48:17)

v  my Father is always completely worthy of my thanks and praise
(1 Pet. 3:15, 1 Sam. 2:2, 1 Chron. 16:8 & 16:34, Ps. 56:4)

“So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you! Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised.”
~Hebrews 10:35-36

In Him,