Saturday, June 7, 2014

Better Together

Hello friends! Whew, it’s been awhile. Life has been moving fast and it’s been hard to squeeze in time-outs! But God hasn’t changed. He has been faithful through and through. It’s only by His grace I got through the busy last months of my first year as a Preschool teacher. What an adventure! I will have to catch up on April and May happenings, but RIGHT NOW I want to highlight an adventure that’s unfolding for two people I love dearly.

My sister, Rebecca, and my soon-to-be brother, Brandon, will be saying their “I do’s” in exactly 21 days! As we spent most of today moving their belongings into their apartment in Dayton, their marriage is becoming ever more a reality. What’s a girl to do? Dwell on how much I’m going to miss day-to-day living with my sister who also happens to be one of my best friends? Reminisce on all our best (and ugliest) memories? Soak up the remaining crazy days of last minute preparations for the wedding? Imagine what life and marriage will be like for these two lovebirds? I just don’t know.

Just a little sneak peak into their home-to-be

I’m so glad we know the One who holds the future. We can trust in Him alone. He keeps us sane when our thoughts are out of control. He is our anchor.

I love that the Lord created Rebecca and Brandon just the way He did. I’m glad He allowed them to walk into each other’s life for such a time as this. As Brandon and Rebecca enter into this covenant relationship before God and man, I’m glad they aren’t trying to please the world. They are standing up for commitment and devotion to each other and the Lord only- something that is rare and unheard of these days. They will walk out their days serving and loving each other. They can do this not because they are perfect and have come from a fairytale, but rather they are imperfectly CHOOSING to commit to each other, whatever may come. No other option. In the beautiful and ugly moments. “We love because He first loved us.” ~1 John 4:19 Brandon and Rebecca CAN choose this type of marriage because of God’s work in them as individuals and as a couple. What beautiful grace. His love is amazing!

Blue sky proposal in Chicago- August 2013

Brandon's graduation from Cedarville- May 2014

I’m so thrilled for this ride Brandon and Rebecca are on together. They get to do life side by side. Like Rebecca likes to say “Better Together”.

Enjoy the ride! I love you both!


Joyful Joyful

"Joyful joyful we adore thee
God of glory
Lord of love
Hearts unfold like flowers before thee
Opening to the sun above"

What I love most about Spring is fresh flowers!! My Mom, Aunt, Grandma and I welcomed the beginning of May by spending time on a Saturday morning at Countryside Greenhouse. Lovely morning.

These were one of my favorites from the day.